Horse Show Andree-Anne Brunet Horse Show Andree-Anne Brunet

5 Reasons To Book A Private Horse Show Photographer

Ontario, Canada

Canadian International rider Ian Millar walks with student Christine Carlsen during the modified grand prix at Caledon Equestrian Park

It’s been years since I’ve shown or even ridden a horse for that matter. I used to show competitively in both the hunters and jumpers. Within my 8 years of showing I only ever got about a handful of images of myself riding my mount each year and the majority of those images were of me over fences. If I got any photos of myself around the ring or chilling with peers it was because a friend or parent took it. While I love those images, the quality wasn’t the best. I truly wish that private horse show photographers were around when I was showing because I would have booked them in a heart beat just to have the variety of images illustrating my full show day and not just myself in the ring.

Over the years as an official horse show photographer, I’ve come to learn why horse show photos are so important to my clients. Many love buying their show photos for the memories. Whether it’s to remember that day, that course, a spectacular round or that mount you had, the photos were bought to be able to remember for years to come. Some like to buy images after they had an outstanding round and want to be able to see that milestone and progression in an image, being able to show off that moment with pride. Others enjoy having the images to share on their social media for friends and followers to see. Or to be able to post an image with a sponsored product they have. The biggest reason I find is that you can never have enough photos of your beautiful horse and that is just a fact!

Groom for Stoney Fields Farm gives treats to equitation horse with first place ribbon on his bridle after winning his class at  Angelstone Tournaments
Katie Uloth directs jumper student of their course at the Grass EEC ring at Angelstone Tournaments

So now the question is, if you can already buy horse show photos why do you need to hire a private horse show photographer? It’s an easy enough answer, official horse show photographers have to focus on capturing everyone’s rounds. Being able to catch candids is what they try to do in between but at some point in the day they are exhausted, tired and just want to sit for that 10 minute drag break then hunt for candids. I can’t blame them, I’ve been there and I’ve done exactly that. As a private horse show photographer my sole job is to follow and capture your day while you are showing. I’m your personal paparazzi and cheer squad while you show. I don’t have to focus on anyone else. I just get to capture you, your horse and the team behind you while you warm up, show and stand around at the ring!

My goal when you book myself as your private horse show photographer is to portray your whole day from start to finish. That includes warm up, waiting around at the ring, talking game plans with your coach, showing and your after ride debrief before heading back to the barn. Your horse show day is so much more than just the 5 minutes of showing and you’ve worked so hard to get there. Why should you only have a few images taken while you were competing and nothing else. You should have every image from your day and be able to have photographs of everyone helping you into the ring. Especially if someone special has come to watch you like a friend or grandparent, that’s when you let me know so I can specifically get images of them with you!

Still not convinced about hiring myself as your private horse show photographer? I’ve put together 5 reasons why that you can read through while you mull over the idea.

Rider stares off into the distance while standing in the warm up ring with their horse at Angelstone Tournaments
Child sits with their pony's head in their lap cuddling while waiting ringside at Angelstone Tournaments

1. More Bang for your buck

When hiring myself you get a whole bunch of high quality images available to you. All of those photos are included in the price and you get them in your own private gallery within 4 days of your show date. The amount of savings you get is crazy when compared to if you were purchasing each individual image on its own. You can’t deny that the savings are amazing, making hiring that much more appealing

2. Story Telling Images

Your show day doesn’t just start once you are in the ring, it starts when you are warming up. No one picks up a book and flips to the middle to begin reading the story so why should your show images do the same. Let’s start from the beginning and illustrate your whole day from start to finish, no skimming the beginning and stopping before the end. I want to capture all the moments in between, that involve the team behind you and the support that drives you.

Canadian rider Ainsley Vince walks to the Grand Prix ring on her mount while being lead by groom. The in-gate is very busy during the evening grand prix class

3. More than just a digital File

We all have a tendency these days to save a photo to our phone or computer and that’s the end of that. No more are the days of getting all your images printed and either kept in a box or album (at least that’s what my mum did). Your show photos should be shown off! Whether they are showcased as a print or canvas on the wall, a stack of prints in a memory box or a beautiful photo book of your season. You should be seeing your photos that bring you so much joy which is why all private clients receive a discount off print orders with their package.

4. Creativity and emotion

Gone are the days of getting the consistently generic over fence shots and candids that everyone else gets at every show. By hiring myself as your private horse show photographer you get creative new perspectives to your horse show images. Breathing new life into what horse show photos are. With my focusing being solely on you I have the ability to find new angles and creative perspective to your images, keeping them unique and making sure your images stand out from the crowd. Your photos will also show all the emotions that come with showing.

5. Long-term memories

In the end we are all human and over the years our memories begin to get muddy and fade as we continue on with our lives. It’s hard to remember every little detail from shows past and what those days were like. Being able to have an extensive amount of photos to look back on is what we all need. Being able to see yourself having a good laugh with your favourite groom while they try to calm the nerves they know you are trying to hide. Or even being able to see that moment of pure pride and joy on you and your coaches face as you walk out of the ring after an impeccable round. Those little moments captured as a photograph can bring you right back to that day and relive those memories all over again.

Young equestrian hugs her pony while walking out of ring after winning her undersaddle class in the hunter ring at Angelstone Tournaments

All of the reasons above are why I began offering private clients and why I truly believe to my bones that it’s so important to have. The importance of having these memories can’t truly be explained but I know you all have your own reasons why it is worth it. If you are interested in having myself out as your private horse show photographer please click the link below and get in touch!

Rider smiles while riding her horse in a down pour at Angelstone Tournaments
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